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His Reflection

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HIS REFLECTION – What God Longs to See in His People

When God looks at His People, He longs to see the reflection of His Son, Yeshua, in each one of His children.  So, the question each believer must ask is this:

How much do I look like Yeshua?

To help you discover that answer, we present “His Reflection”.  This Bible Study, with its companion workbook, presents many scriptures and some probing questions to spearhead your investigation as to what God sees in you, such as:

How do you answer God when reproved of Him?

How do you respond when challenged to change?

How many of God’s Ways do you know & walk in?

These and other direct questions to help you, as before God you assess how much you express Yeshua’s character in your life.  If you are a serious believer, who desires to express the characteristics of God’s love and power, then welcome this Bible Study as an anointed tool to help you examine the evidence of Yeshua’s life in you.  It might just change your life as you recognize:

How much of His Reflection, God sees in you!

Please note: These audios are from a much earlier date when Rev. Jeanne taught for Forward March Ministries.  Since the book was revamped before uploading online, the page references differ, so please use the current textbook index for proper page alignment.  also note, any reference to F.M.M., such as the website, is not valid today.  However, a lot of the material from FMM is being migrated to this website.  If you hear of something you want, please email us to see if it is soon coming to this Cegullahpublishing.ca.