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Biblical Theology & Inductive Bible Study

This video brings a brief explanation of Biblical Theology. It refers to a chart, which you can print out by following the link below:

War on the Word

In her prayer time one morning, Jeanne received a message from heaven regarding the Bible, what believers often call the Word. In this message, Jeanne believe the Lord to call His People to petition heaven regarding ha satan's plans to silence the Word.

To learn more about Jeanne, please visit Cegullah Publishing & Apologetics Academy at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/cpaas-main-teacher/

Struggling to rise above your circumstances! Looking for victory from the Hand  of the Almighty! 
Consider listening to and praying this scriptural prayer, entitled, Yeshua's Prayer Outline. 

Yeshua's Prayer Outline originates from a popular book entitled, "Thy Kingdom Come", which speaks about the importance of entering God's Rest in Prayer.  In the book, the author, Jeanne Metcalf, explains in detail the 9 major points in the prayer that Yeshua taught His Disciples in Luke 11:2, highlighting some scriptural benefits applicable to the New Covenant believer.  

Yeshua's Prayer Outline mentions, one by one, each point within Yeshua's Prayer, along with a first covenant, compound title of God. Next, the prayer mentions a specific place of "rest" spoken in a book chapter; highlights a principle of faith to walk in and one to remember. Then, the prayer hallows the compound title for God, and presents some scriptural faith declarations applicable to a believer's life based on the promises of God.  

As a result, you have one amazing prayer to help believers rise above their difficult circumstances.  Testimonies about this prayer affirm that those who prayed it, believing God to keep HIs promises, did receive victory, day by day, as they prayed the prayer.  Why?  Because God is Faithful to what He promised in His Word.  

Listen to this prayer, slightly modified in 2024 to incorporate more powerful add ons, which speak about the costly atonement Yeshua paid for all who would receive Him as Saviour.  

visit https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/https-cegullahpublishing-ca-wp-content-uploads-2023-08-the-lords-prayer-outline-2020-pdf/ to receive a free copy to download.

Additionally, you can read or listen, for free, to the first chapter of the book, or purchase the book at 
Faith Builders 13:43

Struggling to rise above your circumstances! Looking for victory from the Hand of the Almighty!
Consider listening to and praying this scriptural prayer, entitled, Yeshua's Prayer Outline.

Yeshua's Prayer Outline originates from a popular book entitled, "Thy Kingdom Come", which speaks about the importance of entering God's Rest in Prayer. In the book, the author, Jeanne Metcalf, explains in detail the 9 major points in the prayer that Yeshua taught His Disciples in Luke 11:2, highlighting some scriptural benefits applicable to the New Covenant believer.

Yeshua's Prayer Outline mentions, one by one, each point within Yeshua's Prayer, along with a first covenant, compound title of God. Next, the prayer mentions a specific place of "rest" spoken in a book chapter; highlights a principle of faith to walk in and one to remember. Then, the prayer hallows the compound title for God, and presents some scriptural faith declarations applicable to a believer's life based on the promises of God.

As a result, you have one amazing prayer to help believers rise above their difficult circumstances. Testimonies about this prayer affirm that those who prayed it, believing God to keep HIs promises, did receive victory, day by day, as they prayed the prayer. Why? Because God is Faithful to what He promised in His Word.

Listen to this prayer, slightly modified in 2024 to incorporate more powerful add ons, which speak about the costly atonement Yeshua paid for all who would receive Him as Saviour.

visit https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/https-cegullahpublishing-ca-wp-content-uploads-2023-08-the-lords-prayer-outline-2020-pdf/ to receive a free copy to download.

Additionally, you can read or listen, for free, to the first chapter of the book, or purchase the book at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/kingdom-keys-for-kingdom-kids/

Faith Builders

YouTube Video VVV3U3RVQU1GR29SM1ZyeUNPY2pwbWRBLnZ3anhsNmRZd3V3

Yeshua's Prayer Outline 2

Struggling to rise above your circumstances! Looking for victory from the Hand of the Almighty!
Consider listening to and praying this scriptural prayer, entitled, Yeshua's Prayer Outline.

Yeshua's Prayer Outline originates from a popular book entitled, "Thy Kingdom Come", which speaks about the importance of entering God's Rest in Prayer. In the book, the author, Jeanne Metcalf, explains in detail the 9 major points in the prayer that Yeshua taught His Disciples in Luke 11:2, highlighting some scriptural benefits applicable to the New Covenant believer.

Yeshua's Prayer Outline mentions, one by one, each point within Yeshua's Prayer, along with a first covenant, compound title of God. Next, the prayer mentions a specific place of "rest" spoken in a book chapter; highlights a principle of faith to walk in and one to remember. Then, the prayer hallows the compound title for God, and presents some scriptural faith declarations applicable to a believer's life based on the promises of God.

As a result, you have one amazing prayer to help believers rise above their difficult circumstances. Testimonies about this prayer affirm that those who prayed it, believing God to keep HIs promises, did receive victory, day by day, as they prayed the prayer. Why? Because God is Faithful to what He promised in His Word.

Listen to this prayer, slightly modified in 2024 to incorporate more powerful add ons, which speak about the costly atonement Yeshua paid for all who would receive Him as Saviour.

visit https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/https-cegullahpublishing-ca-wp-content-uploads-2023-08-the-lords-prayer-outline-2020-pdf/ to receive a free copy to download.

Additionally, you can read or listen, for free, to the first chapter of the book, or purchase the book at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/kingdom-keys-for-kingdom-kids/

Faith Builders

Kingdom Keys for Kingdom Kids Introduction 1

Yeshua said, "His Disciples can know the secrets to the Kingdom of God. Do you know them and operate in them?

In this podcast, we present the introduction to this great book, one which has blessed so many and helped them to walk in Kingdom power. Yes, this book first published in 2014, has been the favourite for many years with Chapters such as Kingdom Mysteries, Kingdom Inheritance, Kingdom Government and so much more.

Listen to the first chapter, than be sure to get your copy!

What we believe.

Do you know what you believe? As many Christian believers, today, find challenges arising to their faith system, it is important to know the basic foundation of your faith.

In the podcast, we present 5 major truths that make the backbone of our Christian faith, with truths:
1. About God
2. About the Bible
3. About Believers
4. About the 1st and 2nd Covenant
5. About a final Judgment

Additionally, we present 3 other important facts about Christianity, that we see as a necessity to understand in these end times, with a statements of what we believe:
1. About the Rapture
2. About Israel
3. About Our Hebraic Heritage.

Arise Canada

This podcast presents a Biblical example and a prayer to be used as a teaching for intercessors who, through prayer, stand on guard for Canada. Any mention to Canada to arise or a call to action presents itself here as a spiritual application. Any mention of battles, too, refer to spiritual battles for believers who understands the spiritual battle know that believers do not fight flesh and blood (people), but rather a spiritual foe that lurks in the background. Let all who have ears let them hear! Pray for Canada! ...

Boot Camp Drills booklet (Be Strong & Courageous. De 31:6)

Know who you are in Messiah! Say these confessions of faith and be strong in the Lord and the strength of His Might!

For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword..." Hebrews 4:12 a

Bootcamp drills is a booklet formed to accompany a Bible Course, Watching, Waiting, Warning. That course teaches believers how to obey Yeshua's command to watch and pray and presents three major characteristics of God's Word to understand, declare and live by:

God's Word is Life
God's Word is Law
God's Word is Final

Learn to agree with God's Word, align your words with God's Word, and speak life and truth throughout your day. Begin with Boot Camp drills in the morning and see what a difference speaking God's Word makes in your day!

(Bootcamp Drills, like the course Watching. Waiting. Warning. has blessed many people over the years. Let it bless you, too.) To receive a free download of the drills, be sure to go to https://cegullahpublishing.ca/treasure-chest-store/

textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-80-3 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/watching-waiting-warning/
prayerbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-81-0 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/watching-waiting-warning-2/
workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-82-7 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/watching-waiting-warning-3/

Listen to this powerful prayer based on "The Lord's Prayer".  Allow these powerful confessions of faith with this prayer to remind you of some benefits of the cross that all believers receive from Yeshua.

In the prayer narrated by Lucy Kaminski, you will hear the 9 powerful principles for living Yeshua gave us within the Lord's Prayer, along with 9 Hebrew compound names of God given to us from the First Covenant. In addition, hear some powerful faith statements to help you remember how to walk in Holy Spirit power.  

Since this prayer's first release in 2015, testimonies have come forth honouring God for the many changes it has brought into people's lives for those who use it daily.  Some testimonies speak of miracles, some of needed victories, some of  specific blessings, some of breakthrough and the list goes on!  All this because believers took opportunity, daily, to align their words with those of scripture used in this prayer.  

For a free pdf download of this prayer, hit the following link:

Please note: This prayer comes from a course entitled, Thy Kingdom Come, subtitled, Entering God's Rest in Prayer.  ISBN # 978-1-96489-83-4.  Why not take a look in the book!  
Textbook: https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come-2/
Workbook: https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come/
Also available on Amazon and other online suppliers.

Part of Faith Builders 11:26

Listen to this powerful prayer based on "The Lord's Prayer". Allow these powerful confessions of faith with this prayer to remind you of some benefits of the cross that all believers receive from Yeshua.

In the prayer narrated by Lucy Kaminski, you will hear the 9 powerful principles for living Yeshua gave us within the Lord's Prayer, along with 9 Hebrew compound names of God given to us from the First Covenant. In addition, hear some powerful faith statements to help you remember how to walk in Holy Spirit power.

Since this prayer's first release in 2015, testimonies have come forth honouring God for the many changes it has brought into people's lives for those who use it daily. Some testimonies speak of miracles, some of needed victories, some of specific blessings, some of breakthrough and the list goes on! All this because believers took opportunity, daily, to align their words with those of scripture used in this prayer.

For a free pdf download of this prayer, hit the following link:

Please note: This prayer comes from a course entitled, Thy Kingdom Come, subtitled, Entering God's Rest in Prayer. ISBN # 978-1-96489-83-4. Why not take a look in the book!
Textbook: https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come-2/
Workbook: https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come/
Also available on Amazon and other online suppliers.


Yeshua's Prayer Outline

Listen to this powerful prayer based on "The Lord's Prayer". Allow these powerful confessions of faith with this prayer to remind you of some benefits of the cross that all believers receive from Yeshua.

In the prayer narrated by Lucy Kaminski, you will hear the 9 powerful principles for living Yeshua gave us within the Lord's Prayer, along with 9 Hebrew compound names of God given to us from the First Covenant. In addition, hear some powerful faith statements to help you remember how to walk in Holy Spirit power.

Since this prayer's first release in 2015, testimonies have come forth honouring God for the many changes it has brought into people's lives for those who use it daily. Some testimonies speak of miracles, some of needed victories, some of specific blessings, some of breakthrough and the list goes on! All this because believers took opportunity, daily, to align their words with those of scripture used in this prayer.

For a free pdf download of this prayer, hit the following link:

Please note: This prayer comes from a course entitled, Thy Kingdom Come, subtitled, Entering God's Rest in Prayer. ISBN # 978-1-96489-83-4. Why not take a look in the book!
Textbook: https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come-2/
Workbook: https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come/
Also available on Amazon and other online suppliers.

Breaking Faith Paradigms 1

Understand Paradigms? Learn how paradigms can impede you in your Christian life.

Breaking Faith Paradigms is a class room teaching by Pastor Jeanne Metcalf. Here Jeanne brings awareness to the existence of religious paradigms and gives believers a simple strategy to see those paradigms broken.

Let this teaching help you to recognize the importance of breaking faith paradigms, and then apply the principles in your life to help you attain your God-given faith goals.

Note: A fill in the blank teaching can be downloaded for free from Cegullah Publishing (answers written in the back of the booklet you download).

(If you have trouble finding this booklet, enter the name "Breaking Faith Paradigms" into the search bar on the website. )

A Watchman's Prayer for Israel

This prayer, "A Watchman's Prayer for Israel" is a Christian's prayer. It is a compilation of First and Second covenant scriptures put into prayer format, including the passage in Romans 11:26 "And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:".

In other words, this prayer picks up the promise in the Word of God and the hope of the early church, which believed that in the latter day, Israel shall recognize and embrace Yeshua as Saviour. " It thanks God for the fulfillment and reality of the promises in scripture.

This prayer comes from the Book # 2, (Tactics & Weaponry) which is part of the series entitled, "Watching, Waiting, Warning - Obeying Yeshua's Command to Watch & Pray, written by Jeanne Metcalf.

This 3 book series WATCHING. WAITING. WARNING. looks at the principles of watching in prayer with: a textbook (Book #, 1) prayer book, (Book #. 2), and a workbook, (Book # 3). It is a powerful series that brings forward the teachings of Yeshua to watch and pray.

If you wish to explore the ins and outs of Yeshua's command to watch and pray, find out more about this great three book series. Visit cegullahpublishing.ca Look for the Bible Study entitled, Watching. Waiting. Warning. (All 3 books sold separately. Prayer Book is Book # 2).