Hungry to know the Word of God?
Whether you study for a degree or just for yourself, CP & AA studies bring you learning you can trust.
CP & AA was founded by Rev. Jeanne Metcalf, a well-balanced, biblically solid Christian leader, with a strong focus on apologetics. As a student of the Word for over forty year, she learned first hand, from the scriptures, focusing on Biblical Theology which uses an Inductive Study method.
In Inductive Bible study, the main frame of learning stems from the Word of God. To put it another way, commentary references are exactly that, a reference and not the teaching material. Additionally, utilizing materials such as the teachings of others, or materials found on the web such as podcasts or videos, or outside of the Bible sources, carry a low major priority, as compared to the priority of the Word.
With Inductive Bible Study, the main frame of Bible knowledge
CP & AA invites you to learn in this same manner!
Yes, that’s right! You can learn to study from scripture with the Spirit of God leading you, and …
… if you want a Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degree, CP & AA can help you attain your goal.
- CP & AA provides you with the necessary biblical tools you need.
- We provide parameters of safety to keep you aligned with truth.
- We introduce you to, and teach you, about the inductive study method.
In this method, you explore the scriptures in a workbook, which is centered on a specific theme. Take for example, our first course for our Bachelor degree, entitled, Our Secure Faith Foundation, subtitled, Foundational Truths to an Unshakeable Walk with God. In this introductory course, you, with the Holy Spirit’s help, explore scriptures written in the workbook as it presents the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Then, after finishing one chapter in the workbook, you read the textbook to confirm your conclusions drawn from your scripture study. You return to the workbook, and repeat the process until the entire course is complete.
If you are student earning a degree, you submit reports on your findings, and then, write a final exam. If you are not earning a degree, you move on to the next course.
With all of these factors in place, you can learn and grow in a safe and fruitful environment.
This is the way all our courses are designed:
Why not check us out! Read our Faith Statement, and our chart on Inductive Style Learning, then,
Allow CP & AA to facilitate your learning!
NOTE: CP & AA is a Non-denominational, Evangelistic, Pentecostal style entity.