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CP&AA’s Main Teacher

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Ephesians 4: 11-12, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:”

 Jeanne Metcalf, an ordained minister with over 30 years experience, walks in an apostolic, prophetic mantle, and operates in the spiritual office as a Teacher.  Jeanne teaches with a focus on the Hebraic aspect of the church.  She began doing that in 2007 when she headed “Forward March!  Ministries”. In this ministry, Jeanne focused on teaching early church concepts, spreading the gospel, and discipling believers so that all could walk in New Testament power, equipped to turn the world upside down with the impact of the gospel.

In her time at FMM Jeanne saw many lives transformed through her teachings, writings, and leadership.  Her passion to see believers stand equipped, stedfast in their faith, and prepared to live out their live triumphantly in Messiah empowers her to continue writing and reaching out to help others.

Thus, the next step for Jeanne was to answer God’s call, and develop Cegullah Publishing and Apologetics Academy to offer her written material to a worldwide audience, and when possible, accredit the courses to help others learn and prepare for ministry.

As you read or study, or work towards acquiring a degree, you will find the materials written by Jeanne, gives your faith exposure to grow.   Your own desire for truth, then, has  opportunity to become stirred within you. Taking the time to study the Word of God with Jeanne, you should find difficult scripture passages explained with clarity and simplicity in a refreshing, straightforward format.  This should help you grow in your knowledge of God and His Word.   Therefore, if you want to explore the depths of God’s Word, strengthen your faith, and develop a richer walk with God, then open the door of your life to some powerful, yet challenging writings.

Join the many others who read and study Jeanne’s materials as an excellent way to explore the Word of God and stand firm in the faith, well able to live it and defend it as God commands, Jude 1:3 “earnestly contend for the faith once given to the saints.”

Explore what awaits you to strengthen your faith and draw nearer to God.