” Entering God’s Rest in Prayer”.
At the cross, Yeshua gained every victory we will ever need, including those challenges we face in every day life. Learning to rest in the victories of Yeshua, and to fully recognize that God keeps His Word and Promises, is but the beginning of an opportunity to see God’s power loosed in our lives or those of others. Study how to rest in prayer and what God has done for you through the cross of Yeshua, then expect God’s Kingdom to come in and His will to be done.
Do you understand your inheritance in Messiah?
Do you know how to receive that inheritance?
“Thy Kingdom Come” invites you to identify and explore your inheritance in Messiah. Then, knowing that inheritance, “Thy Kingdom Come” presents God’s promised method to receive that inheritance by entering God’s Rest in prayer.
Open the pages of “Thy Kingdom Come” and prayerfully read and study the biblical passages within. Use “Thy Kingdom Come” as a tool to help you mature in your faith. Use it to help you grow into a strong and powerful believer, able to stand tall in the world in which we live.
Discover your inheritance and how to receive it!
Discover “Thy Kingdom Come”
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TKC Introduction