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Our Guests

Hebrews Chapter 11, the Faith  Chapter, or God’s Hall of Fame, highlights specific, faithful servants of the Lord, or puts them on display. Why?  Because certain individuals demonstrated acts of faith which made a difference.  While Halls of Fame like we have today, did not exist in those days, the intentions of highlighting a life was very similar.  Examples of those who live by faith encourage others to do the same.  Chapter 11 brings us one more reminder that  “the Just shall live by faith”.  

Picking up on the theme of  Hebrews Chapter 11, God’s Hall of Fame, we bring you:


The Faith Choice is an interview program with a potential candidate for God’s Hall of Fame In other words, “The Faith Choice” opens a window into the life of individuals who chose to live their life the Bible way, to live by faith.  Believers are not believers without making the faith choice! Every person must make the faith choice! None are exempted from it.

With the interview, we present the viewer with one small glimpse into the life of an every day believer, whose life could have gone differently, but … they made The Faith Choice.   They decided to walk the way of God.  They walked away from the world.  They decided to pay the price for the faith choice they made!  Their faith stories inspire others to make The Faith Choice! Thus, figuratively speaking, our guests became a potential candidate for God’s Hall of Fame.

Join us!  Listen to the Faith Choice made by another believer.  Let their faith encourage your faith!

Come away with a fire in your heart to live out your faith, the bible way, for “the just shall live by faith”.


If you believe you live your life walking by faith,  and wish to share your specific faith choice situation with others, please let us know.  Jot us a line with the intended faith story you wish to share with us.  Include your contact information. Until we get back to you, be in prayer, and stand in faith, that if God wants your faith story shared on this venue, it will happen!