Name(Required) First Middle Last Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Email(Required)Confirm email(Required)Put your student number in the space below.(Required)Remember: attach the completed final exam. WORKBOOK START DATE(Required)As you began your workbook, you were asked to put the date that you began on the first page of the workbook. Enter the date you began your workbook in the space below. If you did not write the date in your workbook, write down to the best of your knowledge, when you began your workbook.WORKBOOK FINISH DATE(Required)Write out the date you finished doing the assignments in your workbook. Workbook Assignments(Required) I testify before God that I have completed all my workbook assignments.Textbook(Required) I testify, before God, that I have read the textbook.Audio/Videos(Required) I testify, before God, that I have listened carefully to the audio/videos as required of me.