Cegullah PublishingCegullah PublishingCegullah Publishing

The Name Challenge


We, at Cegullah Publishing, wish to proclaim and pronounce the name of the Father, as well as the name of Yeshua, for in this way, we believe we honour our God, and at the same time, come a little closer to the faith once given to the saints, for indeed these were the names on the lips of the apostles in the early church.  While this breaks with the traditions of many, thus far, as we have shared the news of the Father’s name and use Yeshua’s birth name, reception among fellow Christians has been excellent.  Our heart is not to offend our fellow believers, but rather to honour God and at the same time, invite our brothers and sisters in the Lord to do the same.


Now that you have this information, will you think and pray about joining us

as we proclaim the rightful names of our God?   

Please consider this your invitation to join the unofficial network of

proclaimers of the Father’s name, and Yeshua’s Jewish name.

We invite you to shout it from the house tops.

Pray about it!   

If you join us, may YeHoVaH richly bless and reward you!