Cegullah PublishingCegullah PublishingCegullah Publishing

Use of Certain Terms


As we examine the Word of God, together, there are a few terms often used in our teaching, podcasts, and other aspects of Cegullah Publishing and Apologetics Academy.  Some of these terms may not be known to some of our viewers, listeners or students, such as the use of the word “ha satan”.  This word means, “adversary”, however many scholars over the years, unfamiliar with the underlying meaning, make the word to say Devil, or the Devil’s name.  Over the years, far too often, some teachings or the interpretation of them, made the devil or satan appear as gigantic.  We have found by using the term, “ha satan” meaning the adversary, puts a better balance on the topic.

So that you understand this term and others that we use, please consider familiarizing yourself with these terms as we use them:

  • YeHoVaH: In ancient Hebrew manuscripts, scribes wrote Hebrew name of God as יְהֹוָהToday’s Bible manuscripts say, LORD.  However, CP & AA uses and says the “YeHoVaH”.  In our books, usually in the Appendix, we explain why we use this name, not Yahweh, or even Jehovah.
  • Jesus: According to the angel, our Saviour’s name was ע ו י ה ש, pronounced, Yehoshua.  Shortened, the name is Yeshua.  To honour Yeshua’s Hebrew heritage, we speak His Hebrew name.
  • Christ. The Hebrew word for Messiah means anointed One, which refers to Yeshua, while the Greek Word Christ means “smeared with grease.”  Again, to honour Yeshua’s Hebrew heritage and the meaning of the “Anointed One”, we say Messiah.
  • Church. Whenever we use the word “Church”, reference is made to the overall body, worldwide, including all whose words claim them as Christians.
  • Ekklesia. This word refers to the body of believers gathered from the world who live in the world but are not part of it.
  • Remnant. A remnant refers to those who, like the prophets in the time of Elijah, did not bow their knees to Baal.  Today, they are true believers as God sees them.
  • Man: Scripture refers often to “man”, meaning humankind. Unless the biblical passage itself refers to a particular male person, apply the passage to all humankind.  For example, if any man is in Messiah, he is a new creation.  Interpret that to mean if any person is in Messiah, they are a new creation.

Hopefully, understanding these few terms will keep us on the same page.

(If you wish a pdf of this information, please click here.)