RELEASING THE IMPOSSIBLE – The Limitless Power of Intercession
Nothing of eternal value happens without the power of God. Intercession, when expressed in its truest form, connects with that power of God and changes circumstances, situations, and even people! At the same time, intercession can break the powers of darkness. Why? Because true intercession partners with God to release an impact upon this earth. Embrace intercession. Operate in it. See things on the earth and in people’s lives align with God’s kingdom.
(Volume: Intercessions from the author’s life; Volume 2, Intercession from Biblical Characters).
Storms come to every life. For each storm, God has a divine solution. Realize those divine solutions by learning to utilize the limitless power of intercession.
Allow your appetite for intercession to stir as you read this two-volume series.
- Volume 1 of Releasing the Impossible contains stories of intercession completed by the author, fully explained and aligned with biblical principles. These stories easily define difficult biblical principles of intercession to life, as thus, will those principles in mind, a good foundation exists for understanding intercessions.
- Volume 2. Here. we take the principles learned from Volume 1 and see them operative within certain biblical characters.
Both volumes work together to help believers partner with God in intercession to see their breakthrough realized.
Consider joining the countless other believers who embrace intercession. Learn biblical principles to invite God’s power to break through the storms in your life.
Learn to partner with God in intercession and be found in Him,
Releasing the Impossible!
Preview 1st Chapter, Volume 1: Textbook, Volume 1:
Preview 1st Chapter, Volume 2: Textbook, Volume 2:
Workbook, (For both Volume 1 and 2):
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