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An Arsenal of Power Prayers – Book

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My Covenant Keeping God

My Covenant Keeping God brings to the front of our minds the faithfulness of our God. It reflects, also, on our great inheritance through the shed blood of Yeshua in the New Covenant. It offers thanks to God, too, as believers speak of their gratefulness for being His purchased possession.

If you desire to take some time, today, and praise God, as well as recount some of the amazing things your salvation brings, this prayer just might help you!

Marion J. Drury reads this prayer which comes from, "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7. It is used with permission.

This book of prayers, podcasts of the prayers, as well as some free downloads from the book are available at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product-category/other/
You can also find An Arsenal of Prayers on Amazon and other online stores. In the search bar, be sure to include the wording ISBN and then the number.

My Majestic, Immovable God

Ps 66:8 O bless our God, you people, and make the voice of His praise to be heard:

In our unstable world, God provides stability. My Majestic, Immovable God, highlights that stability and brings praises to God for all that He has done. Indeed, He has provided such good things for us through the benefits of the cross of Yeshua. Listen to this prayer, add praises of your own, too! Lift up the Living God and bring Him glory!

If you enjoy this prayer, use if often. If you prefer to hold a hard copy of this prayer in hand, please remember it comes from the book, An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers, Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7.

This book is available for purchase on our website, https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/arsenal-of-powerful-prayers-spiritual-prayers-to-move-mountains/

Also, available on Amazon and other online suppliers.

My Loving, Compassionate God

Are you feeling misunderstood? Do you need some compassionate hand to touch you?

Consider listening to this prayer. It speaks of our loving and compassionate God, Who came to earth to help every person alive upon the face of the earth, for all of time. Listen to this prayer, written by Jeanne Metcalf and read by Marion Drury. Allow it to help you, right where you are, today!

This prayer is taken from "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains", written by Jeanne Metcalf. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7.

This book of prayers, free audio podcasts of the prayers, as well as some free downloadable pdfs from the book are available at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product-category/other/

You can also find An Arsenal of Prayers on Amazon and other online stores. In the search bar, be sure to include the wording ISBN and then the number.

My Heavenly Intercessor, Video

Having a problem you simply cannot handle? Have you prayed everything you know to pray?

if so, it is time to remember Yeshua in His role as a Great High Priest. He lives to make intercession for You. Draw near to Him and ask Him for His Help. If you are stuck, let this podcast audio help you.

This prayer is taken from "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains", written by Jeanne Metcalf. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7.

This book of prayers, podcasts of the prayers, as well as some free downloads from the book are available at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product-category/other/
You can also find An Arsenal of Prayers on Amazon and other online stores. In the search bar, be sure to include the wording ISBN and then the number.

My Fortress & Strong Tower

This prayer entitled, My Fortress and Strong Tower, reminds believers of a safe place provided by our God. There we receive all we need to live a faith life, no matter the storm. This prayer focuses on seeing God and our safe place, our go to place where we can, moment after moment, gather our thoughts, and with the Holy Spirit imparting strength to us, live in the world without being part of it.

This prayer comes from, "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7. It is used with permission.
This book of prayers, podcasts of the prayers, as well as some free downloads from the book are available at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product-category/other/
You can also find An Arsenal of Prayers on Amazon and other online stores. In the search bar, be sure to include the wording ISBN and then the number.

My Steadfast Walk with God

This prayer entitled, My Steadfast Walk with God, speaks of the amazing gift of God to come to Him with our problems, and through it all, walk with Him above our circumstances. It speaks of setting our face like flint, as the scriptures instruct, and not moving out of our walk of faith. It is a powerful reminder, too, of the strength that God imparts to those who come to Him in time of trouble.

This prayer comes from, "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7. It is used with permission.

This book of prayers, podcasts of the prayers, as well as some free downloads from the book are available at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product-category/other/
You can also find An Arsenal of Prayers on Amazon and other online stores. In the search bar, be sure to include the wording ISBN and then the number.

Daily Application of the Blood of Yeshua

Remember the cross of Calvary! Remember, at that time, Yeshua shed His blood for the remission of sins. When we look at the principles of scripture regarding that shed blood, we recognize a remembrance of that shed blood of Yeshua and His redeeming work brings promises of overcoming power for the life of a believer:

Revelation 12:22, "And they overcame him (the adversary/ha satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death".

This audio podcast presents a prayer based on scriptural promises of a spiritual application of the blood of Yeshua to a personal life.

for a free downloadable copy of the prayer copy the link and go to Cegullah Publishing.

4 Point Confession to Begin the Day

Learn, first-hand, the power of faith statements!

In this podcast audio, we present empowering faith statements to strengthen you, spiritually, and help you in your Christian life to walk it out victoriously.

Play this podcast, often, and since it is sourced in scripture, meditate on its principles to help give you some needed strength to face the challenges of your day. If you wish a copy of the wording, you can get a free download at Cegullah Publishing & Apologetics Academy. (cegullahpublishing.ca).

This prayer comes from, "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7. It is used with permission. (A first chapter read is also available at cegullahpublishing.ca.

Part of the One New Man

This prayer, prayed for you by Lucy Kaminski of Cegullah Publishing and Apologetics Academy, comes from chapter 1 and 2 of Ephesians. It is powerful prayer which helps believers to know who they are in Messiah, as well as the oneness God created for Jew and Gentile in Messiah.

Listen carefully as Lucy prays and rejoice at the amazing things given to the believer within the New Covenant.

For more scriptural prayers, visit cegullahpublishing.ca. Look for an An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers - Scriptural Prayers that Move Mountains. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7

Yeshua's Second Coming

Do you look for Yeshua's return? Are you ready to meet Him?

This prayer entitled, Yeshua's Second Coming, points believers to one of the most awesome promises in the Word of God: Yeshua's return. It speaks of that day, and of the watching mentality that Yeshua instructed His followers to possess. In faith, believers, through this prayer, can focus on the things of God regarding Yeshua's Second Coming, doing the bidding of their Father, as they wait expectantly for Yeshua's return.

This prayer comes from, "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers", Scriptural Prayers to Move Mountains. ISBN # 978-1-926489-24-7. It is used with permission.

This book of prayers, podcasts of the prayers, as well as some free downloads from the book are available at https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product-category/other/

You can also find An Arsenal of Prayers on Amazon and other online stores. In the search bar, be sure to include the wording ISBN and then the number.

YeHoVaH, Our Healer

We at Cegullah Publishing believe in divine healing and truly desire the best for your life, therefore, we prayerfully read this prayer found in "An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers". As you listen to it, we ask that the Lord our God will bless you and, wherever the need may be, bring healing to your life.

If you want a copy of this prayer, you can find a free download of it at cegullahpublishing.ca

Arrows of YHVH's deliverance ppt video 1

Are you in need of help from the Living God? If so, allow this Christian prayer to help you.

This prayer,, prayed for you by Lucy Kaminski of Cegullah Publishing and Apologetics Academy, brings a petition before God for a time when you, or others in your life face times of trouble.

Listen carefully as Lucy prays on your behalf. Then, state your particular situation to God. Expect the God of the Bible to come to your aid! His promises never fail.

Mark 11:23, "For verily (truly) I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be removed and cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he says". (KJV paraphrase).

The Arrows of the Lord's Deliverance is based on promises of scripture from Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11, 1 Samuel 17:47, and many more! If you wish to learn more, scripture references come at the end of the prayer.

For more scriptural prayers, visit cegullahpublishing.ca. Look for an An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers - Scriptural Prayers that Move Mountains.

The Fall of Hidden Giants

In this podcast entitled, THE FALL OF HIDDEN GIANTS, Lucy Kaminski of Cegullah Publishing and Apologetics Academy presents a powerful intercessor's prayer written in 2013. After we prayed this prayer as instructed by the Holy Spirit, we saw many changes occur as a result of the intercession of which this prayer played a key role.

Since 2015 this prayer, which speaks about removing hidden giants, has been available within the book, An Arsenal of Powerful Prayers, Subtitled, Scriptural Prayers to move Mountains. It has helped many people, and it is our prayer it will help you, too!

Be sure to listen to it, and follow it up with a companion prayer entitled, Blessings of Love and Truth.

1 Sa 17:39-45; Ep 2:4-7; 2 Co 10:4-6; Ep 4:7-10; Mt 18:18; 2 Th 2:7-10; Jo 12:31; Ro 5:8-12; is 59:16; Is 45:1; Mr 12:30-31; 1 Sa 17:47; Co 3:12-15; Mt 16:18; Mt16:19; 1 Jo 3:8; De 33:27; Re 12:11; Ep 6:12

Free download of this prayer (with its companion prayer, Blessings of Love and Truth), available on our website, https://cegullahpublishing.ca/

Blessings of Love and Truth

This prayer entitled, Blessings of Love and Truth, usually follows the prayer, THE FALL OF HIDDEN GIANTS. In this prayer Lucy Kaminski of Cegullah Publishing and Apologetics Academy reads the prayer which asks God to make a clear pathway for the preaching of the gospel.

The prayer, like its companion prayer, the Fall of Hidden Giants, has made a difference in many lives. We pray it does in your life also.

Be sure to precede this prayer with The Fall of Hidden Giants.

1 Sa 17:39-45; Ep 2:4-7; 2 Co 10:4-6; Ep 4:7-10; Mt 18:18; 2 Th 2:7-10; Jo 12:31; Ro 5:8-12; is 59:16; Is 45:1; Mr 12:30-31; 1 Sa 17:47; Co 3:12-15; Mt 16:18; Mt16:19; 1 Jo 3:8; De 33:27; Re 12:11; Ep 6:12

free download of this prayer comes within the Prayer entitled, The Fall of Hidden Giants available on our website, https://cegullahpublishing.ca/