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Releasing the Impossible – Volume 1

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RELEASING THE IMPOSSIBLE – Volume 1 – The Limitless Power of Intercession

Storms come to every life.  For each storm, God has a divine solution.  Realize those divine solutions by learning to utilize the limitless power of intercession.

Allow your appetite for intercession to stir as you read this two-volume series. 

        • Volume 1 contains stories of intercession completed by the author, bringing the basic biblical principles of intercession to life, as she learned them.  With those principles in mind, a good foundation exists for your own intercessions.
      • Volume 2 builds on the already established foundation of intercession to bring to light the principles of intercession used by certain Biblical characters.

Both volumes work together to help believers partner with God in intercession to see their breakthrough realized.

Consider joining the countless other believers who embrace intercession.  Learn biblical principles to invite God’s power to break through the storms in your life.

Learn to partner with God in intercession and be found in Him,

Releasing the Impossible!

Please note: These audios are from a much earlier date when Rev. Jeanne taught for Forward March Ministries.  Later, due to the length of the material, students preferred the course divided into two volumes. Therefore, you will find the page references differ from those mentioned in the audios.  Please use the current textbook indexes for proper page alignment.  also note, any reference to F.M.M., such as the website, is not valid today.  However, a lot of the material from FMM is being migrated to this website.  If you hear of something you want, please email us to see if it is soon coming to this Cegullahpublishing.ca.