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Faith Foundations Videos

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When Revival operates, among its spiritual opponents, one powerful enemy reaches out to shut it down, namely the spirit of Jezebel.

In this podcast, we read the small booklet, entitled, Revival's Hidden Enemy, subtitled, The spirit of Jezebel, (ISBN # 978-1-926489-10-0).  This quick overview of the subject has helped so many people since its publication in 2015.  We release it here in the hopes it will help more people who just might be in need of its valuable information.   

As you listen to the podcast, remember two important things:
1)  If you ever encounter this spiritual opponent, please remember it uses “flesh and blood” to attain its ends. That means it uses people.  When encountering Revival's hidden enemy, please ask the Holy Spirit to help you separate in your thinking between the spiritual activities of this spirit and the ones it snares to do its work.      
2)    Remember, also, no spiritual opponent, no matter how it presents itself, possesses greater power, scope, influence, or ability than the Holy Spirit.  YeHoVaH's Holy Spirit is a Spirit of Life and desires to give Yeshua’s body on earth the victory.  His power, His message and His ability to open the doors to true biblical revival, and, thus, bring in lost souls outweighs any efforts to shut it down.  

When finished the podcast, if you enjoyed it, consider a study on the topic of Revival.  Our course, Foundations of Revival, Subtitled, Biblical Evidence of Revival, helps people to hold a solid, biblically based viewpoint on Revival, and its proper application for our world today. 

Be biblically sound in your concepts of Revival.  Know what to expect in your generation!
textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-52-0

workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-53-7

Part of Faith Foundations 31:23

When Revival operates, among its spiritual opponents, one powerful enemy reaches out to shut it down, namely the spirit of Jezebel.

In this podcast, we read the small booklet, entitled, Revival's Hidden Enemy, subtitled, The spirit of Jezebel, (ISBN # 978-1-926489-10-0). This quick overview of the subject has helped so many people since its publication in 2015. We release it here in the hopes it will help more people who just might be in need of its valuable information.

As you listen to the podcast, remember two important things:
1) If you ever encounter this spiritual opponent, please remember it uses “flesh and blood” to attain its ends. That means it uses people. When encountering Revival's hidden enemy, please ask the Holy Spirit to help you separate in your thinking between the spiritual activities of this spirit and the ones it snares to do its work.
2) Remember, also, no spiritual opponent, no matter how it presents itself, possesses greater power, scope, influence, or ability than the Holy Spirit. YeHoVaH's Holy Spirit is a Spirit of Life and desires to give Yeshua’s body on earth the victory. His power, His message and His ability to open the doors to true biblical revival, and, thus, bring in lost souls outweighs any efforts to shut it down.

When finished the podcast, if you enjoyed it, consider a study on the topic of Revival. Our course, Foundations of Revival, Subtitled, Biblical Evidence of Revival, helps people to hold a solid, biblically based viewpoint on Revival, and its proper application for our world today.

Be biblically sound in your concepts of Revival. Know what to expect in your generation!

textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-52-0

workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-53-7


Revival's Hidden Enemy - The spirit of Jezebel

When Revival operates, among its spiritual opponents, one powerful enemy reaches out to shut it down, namely the spirit of Jezebel.

In this podcast, we read the small booklet, entitled, Revival's Hidden Enemy, subtitled, The spirit of Jezebel, (ISBN # 978-1-926489-10-0). This quick overview of the subject has helped so many people since its publication in 2015. We release it here in the hopes it will help more people who just might be in need of its valuable information.

As you listen to the podcast, remember two important things:
1) If you ever encounter this spiritual opponent, please remember it uses “flesh and blood” to attain its ends. That means it uses people. When encountering Revival's hidden enemy, please ask the Holy Spirit to help you separate in your thinking between the spiritual activities of this spirit and the ones it snares to do its work.
2) Remember, also, no spiritual opponent, no matter how it presents itself, possesses greater power, scope, influence, or ability than the Holy Spirit. YeHoVaH's Holy Spirit is a Spirit of Life and desires to give Yeshua’s body on earth the victory. His power, His message and His ability to open the doors to true biblical revival, and, thus, bring in lost souls outweighs any efforts to shut it down.

When finished the podcast, if you enjoyed it, consider a study on the topic of Revival. Our course, Foundations of Revival, Subtitled, Biblical Evidence of Revival, helps people to hold a solid, biblically based viewpoint on Revival, and its proper application for our world today.

Be biblically sound in your concepts of Revival. Know what to expect in your generation!

textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-52-0

workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-53-7

Learn the truth behind banners.  Understand why King David said, "In the Name of YeHoVaH we set up our banners" Psalm 20:5

In this podcast, listen to the introduction of an awesome book about banners, entitled, "In the Name of YeHoVaH We Set Up Our Banners".  

After listening to the introduction consider investigating the book.  Here is an exert from the book's cover:

"King David, a powerful and admired King of Israel, was a worshipper. In true biblical fashion, he insured that constant worship to his God took place around the erected tabernacle in Jerusalem, which housed the Ark of the Covenant. Here, extravagant worship transpired with multiple singers, trumpeters, musicians and skilled worshippers of all sorts. Bringing that worship to its greatest possible heights, King David set up banners in the Name of his God. King David knew and embraced the truth about banners. He used banners to bring glory to God. He did so in majestic, biblical style. If you are a worshipper, who like King David, desires to bring God the highest honour due His name, then explore the biblical use of banners, which is the subject of this book. Open its pages to uncover numerous reasons why God desires His people to make room for banners. Discover forgotten principles of banners, including their prophetic nature, which highly honours God. Add powerful dynamics to your worship. Discover why King David said: “In the Name of YeHoVaH We Set Up Our Banners”.

To look into the book, or consider a Bible Study on this topic, visit
Textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-33-9
Workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-34-6

Part of Faith Foundations 13:03

Learn the truth behind banners. Understand why King David said, "In the Name of YeHoVaH we set up our banners" Psalm 20:5

In this podcast, listen to the introduction of an awesome book about banners, entitled, "In the Name of YeHoVaH We Set Up Our Banners".

After listening to the introduction consider investigating the book. Here is an exert from the book's cover:

"King David, a powerful and admired King of Israel, was a worshipper. In true biblical fashion, he insured that constant worship to his God took place around the erected tabernacle in Jerusalem, which housed the Ark of the Covenant. Here, extravagant worship transpired with multiple singers, trumpeters, musicians and skilled worshippers of all sorts. Bringing that worship to its greatest possible heights, King David set up banners in the Name of his God. King David knew and embraced the truth about banners. He used banners to bring glory to God. He did so in majestic, biblical style. If you are a worshipper, who like King David, desires to bring God the highest honour due His name, then explore the biblical use of banners, which is the subject of this book. Open its pages to uncover numerous reasons why God desires His people to make room for banners. Discover forgotten principles of banners, including their prophetic nature, which highly honours God. Add powerful dynamics to your worship. Discover why King David said: “In the Name of YeHoVaH We Set Up Our Banners”.

To look into the book, or consider a Bible Study on this topic, visit
Textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-33-9
Workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-34-6


In The Name of YeHoVaH We Set Up Our Banners

Learn the truth behind banners. Understand why King David said, "In the Name of YeHoVaH we set up our banners" Psalm 20:5

In this podcast, listen to the introduction of an awesome book about banners, entitled, "In the Name of YeHoVaH We Set Up Our Banners".

After listening to the introduction consider investigating the book. Here is an exert from the book's cover:

"King David, a powerful and admired King of Israel, was a worshipper. In true biblical fashion, he insured that constant worship to his God took place around the erected tabernacle in Jerusalem, which housed the Ark of the Covenant. Here, extravagant worship transpired with multiple singers, trumpeters, musicians and skilled worshippers of all sorts. Bringing that worship to its greatest possible heights, King David set up banners in the Name of his God. King David knew and embraced the truth about banners. He used banners to bring glory to God. He did so in majestic, biblical style. If you are a worshipper, who like King David, desires to bring God the highest honour due His name, then explore the biblical use of banners, which is the subject of this book. Open its pages to uncover numerous reasons why God desires His people to make room for banners. Discover forgotten principles of banners, including their prophetic nature, which highly honours God. Add powerful dynamics to your worship. Discover why King David said: “In the Name of YeHoVaH We Set Up Our Banners”.

To look into the book, or consider a Bible Study on this topic, visit
Textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-33-9
Workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-34-6

TKC Introduction

Do you know how to receive from God in prayer?
Do you understand your inheritance in Messiah?
Do you know how to receive that inheritance?

“Thy Kingdom Come” invites you to identify and explore your inheritance in Messiah. Then, knowing that inheritance, “Thy Kingdom Come” presents God’s promised method to receive that inheritance by:
Entering God’s Rest in Prayer.

Open the pages of “Thy Kingdom Come” and prayerfully read and study the biblical passages within. Use “Thy Kingdom Come” as a tool to help you mature in your faith. Use it to help you grow into a strong and powerful believer, able to stand tall in the world in which we live.
Discover your inheritance and how to receive it!
Discover “Thy Kingdom Come” and be found, Entering God's Rest in Prayer.

textbook (reading material) ISBN#: 978-1-926489-83-4 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come-2/
workbook (study material) ISBN#: 978-1-926489-84-1 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/thy-kingdom-come/

HR Introduction

How much do you look like Yeshua? Does your character and actions reflect Him in such a way as to please God?

His Reflection, subtitled, What God Longs to See in His People, gives believers an opportunity to ask the Father how much of Yeshua's character does He see in them.

The podcast comes from the Bible Study of the same name. Its purpose is to help believers, whether young in the Lord or old or someway in between, take a good look, before God, as to their personal Christianity.

Please listen as the author reads the introduction of this book and if interested, considering praying with her at the end of the podcast. Then,, consider reading the book, or, to do a deeper study, consider using the textbook-workbook combination. (Links in the description below.) Allow the mirror of the Word of God help you to know how much of your Saviour God sees operative in your life!

textbook (reading material) - ISBN#: 978-1-926489-15-5 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/his-reflection-what-god-longs-to-see-in-his-people/
workbook (your personal input) - ISBN#: 978-1-926489-16-2 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/his-reflection-what-god-longs-to-see-in-his-people-workbook/

Can anyone receive a miracle?
"Candidate for a Miracle” answers that question with a definite “yes”. 

This podcast is an audio of the introduction of the book entitled, Candidate for A Miracle, subtitled, Wisdom from the miracles of Yeshua.  

In the book, we look at eight intense, potentially tragic circumstances, where the only way out required a miracle. Examining the people involved in these miracles, this book highlights what they did, and even what they failed to do, prior to their miracle. Then, “Candidate for a miracle” shows how everything changed once the God of miracles arrived on the scene. 

Through “Candidate for a Miracle”, as you read the book, investigate some amazing attributes about the God of miracles. Allow your knowledge of God to increase so as to build your faith, and at the same time, explore how miracle recipients reached out to that God of miracles. Watch their mindsets adjust to align their thinking with that of God’s, thus making their life a “platform’ ready and waiting for the arrival of the God of miracles. 

Decide to intensity your relationship with God, and further your insight about the things HIs Kingdom. Discover wisdom from the miracles of Yeshua. Reach for this book, entitled
Candidate for a Miracle!

Textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-88-9 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/candidate-for-a-miracle/
Workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-87-2

Also available on Amazon and  other online suppliers.  To find the book, insert the letter ISBN and then the number.

Part of Faith Foundations 11:00

Can anyone receive a miracle?
"Candidate for a Miracle” answers that question with a definite “yes”.

This podcast is an audio of the introduction of the book entitled, Candidate for A Miracle, subtitled, Wisdom from the miracles of Yeshua.

In the book, we look at eight intense, potentially tragic circumstances, where the only way out required a miracle. Examining the people involved in these miracles, this book highlights what they did, and even what they failed to do, prior to their miracle. Then, “Candidate for a miracle” shows how everything changed once the God of miracles arrived on the scene.

Through “Candidate for a Miracle”, as you read the book, investigate some amazing attributes about the God of miracles. Allow your knowledge of God to increase so as to build your faith, and at the same time, explore how miracle recipients reached out to that God of miracles. Watch their mindsets adjust to align their thinking with that of God’s, thus making their life a “platform’ ready and waiting for the arrival of the God of miracles.

Decide to intensity your relationship with God, and further your insight about the things HIs Kingdom. Discover wisdom from the miracles of Yeshua. Reach for this book, entitled
Candidate for a Miracle!

Textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-88-9 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/candidate-for-a-miracle/
Workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-87-2

Also available on Amazon and other online suppliers. To find the book, insert the letter ISBN and then the number.

YouTube Video VVV3U3RVQU1GR29SM1ZyeUNPY2pwbWRBLkFhZnowZ2lORFh3

Candidate for a Miracle - Introduction

Can anyone receive a miracle?
"Candidate for a Miracle” answers that question with a definite “yes”.

This podcast is an audio of the introduction of the book entitled, Candidate for A Miracle, subtitled, Wisdom from the miracles of Yeshua.

In the book, we look at eight intense, potentially tragic circumstances, where the only way out required a miracle. Examining the people involved in these miracles, this book highlights what they did, and even what they failed to do, prior to their miracle. Then, “Candidate for a miracle” shows how everything changed once the God of miracles arrived on the scene.

Through “Candidate for a Miracle”, as you read the book, investigate some amazing attributes about the God of miracles. Allow your knowledge of God to increase so as to build your faith, and at the same time, explore how miracle recipients reached out to that God of miracles. Watch their mindsets adjust to align their thinking with that of God’s, thus making their life a “platform’ ready and waiting for the arrival of the God of miracles.

Decide to intensity your relationship with God, and further your insight about the things HIs Kingdom. Discover wisdom from the miracles of Yeshua. Reach for this book, entitled
Candidate for a Miracle!

Textbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-88-9 https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/candidate-for-a-miracle/
Workbook: ISBN#: 978-1-926489-87-2

Also available on Amazon and other online suppliers. To find the book, insert the letter ISBN and then the number.

Heaven's Greater Government, Introduction

Governments have power, some more than others. However, one government stands above all others and to this government, every other government bows. Do you know about that Government? Do you know its ruler, its laws and power? Do you know how to implement its authority?

Cegullah Publishing and Apologetics brings you an audio podcast of the first chapter of this book entitled, Heaven's Greater Government. With this podcast, you will get a quick glimpse at a Christian perspective to the power of words, which is one aspect of the Kingdom of God drastically effecting the earth.

Then, consider reading the book cover, and look at the index of the book. You can do this by going to https://cegullahpublishing.ca/product/heavens-greater-government-behind-the-scenes-of-earths-events/ or find the book by ISBN # on Amazon. Enter into the search bar this information: ISBN# 978-1-926489-44-5.

Consider exploring cegullahpublishing.ca for some great reads, Bible Studies, prayers, podcasts and more. Blessings!

The Warrior Bride - 1st Chapter Read

When it comes to the concept of God’s Bride, the Bible presents a different concept of a bride than many believers embrace today. Scripture shows the bride as embracing a heavenly call, which includes a call to advance God’s Kingdom through spiritual warfare.

Therefore, this picture of the Bride in scripture, shows her engaging in spiritual battles. Through the use of the Word of God and other spiritual weaponry, the Bride overpowers the forces of darkness to see a release of their captives. With a wide-open door to freedom, the Bride then invites freed captives to a new way of life, freed from their prison walls on all fronts: the mind, body, soul, and spirit.

As Jeanne Metcalf, the author of "The Warrior Bride" reads the first chapter of her book, discover the vision God gave to her of the bride, which includes the warring side. Listen to the descriptive words of that vision and see the Bride as God sees her!

Explore a seldom spoken but very dynamic truth of the warring side of