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Foundations of Revival

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FOUNDATIONS OF REVIVAL – Biblical Evidence of Revival

Revival is a topic which intrigues many believers.  Carefully, they explore the scriptures to gain a better understanding.  Some come away from their investigation with joy.  These expect to experience the mighty power of God released, to reap an end time harvest of souls.  However, others come away disappointed, believing Revival will never happen, today.

Is Revival for today?

Discover your answer in “Foundations of Revival”, as scripture unveils the truth.  Uncover the Biblical need and purpose for Revival; the call of God to believers to see Revival’s manifestation; the normal characteristics of Revival; as well as some expected promises of Revival.  Learn how Revival works since the cross, and how early, church believers perceived Revival for the last days.

Be biblically sound in your concepts of Revival.

Know what to expect in your generation.

For a deeper Bible Study experience, consider the Workbook, too.  Using the workbook, you will explore Bible passages on your own.  Reading the textbook will confirm your findings!  It is one more way of deepening your Bible Study, helping you grow in your walk with God.

Please note: These audios are from a much earlier date when Rev. Jeanne taught for Forward March Ministries.  Since the book was revamped before uploading online, the page references differ, so please use the current textbook index for proper page alignment.  also note, any reference to F.M.M., such as the website, is not valid today.  However, a lot of the material from FMM is being migrated to this website.  If you hear of something you want, please email us to see if it is soon coming to this Cegullahpublishing.ca.