ISBN#: 978-1-926489-92-6




Scientists spent countless hours and incalculable finances to unlock the basic principles that govern our planet. None of their research, however, could even begin to unlock the secrets of a certain dynamic force that powerfully affects the earth: The Kingdom of God.

To all interested in knowing the secrets of God’s Kingdom, Yeshua said, “unto you it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.” (Mark 4:11) On the premise that all believers in Yeshua can know kingdom principles, Jeanne Metcalf wrote “Kingdom Keys for Kingdom Kids”.

Within the pages of this book, discover the basic operative laws within God’s kingdom to help the believer recognize and identify realities of that kingdom.

Get ready to embrace the concepts of the kingdom of God, and step into the dynamic role that God designed for every believer in Yeshua.

Know the Kingdom of God, its laws, and concepts and how to walk in kingdom power!

Unlock these secrets in Kingdom Keys for Kingdom Kids.

  Be sure you purchased the textbook, as the workbook accompanies the textbook! 


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